Common website ADA issues range from failing to display advertisements properly to violating national or local regulations. Learn how to avoid these mistakes to ensure ADA-compliance for your website.
It seems like every day there is a new website ADA compliance story. Recently, WWDC 2017, the annual technology conference, was the scene of a major controversy when Apple refused to attend the conference if sponsorships were not backed by the App Store review process. Among other concerns, this withdrawal of sponsorship led to the death of the much-needed ADA Initiative’s annual Technical Symposium on, which organizers were preparing to hold in San Francisco.
But WWDC is not the only place where website ADA compliance can be an issue. Recently, the WWE website was caught using a video ad that did not meet the ada requirements. The ad displayed a wrestler in a clinch move, which violated the website’s content guidelines that prohibited footage of wrestling moves.
WrestleMania 33 took place last month, and according to reports, the WWE website displayed an ad for the event that featured minors engaged in sexually explicit behavior. The ad was taken down after being contacted by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Clearly, website ada compliance is a big issue. In this article, we will discuss the most common website ADA compliance issues, and how to avoid them.
The first step in ADA compliance is understanding the guidelines. The website ada compliance guidelines (PDF) are a comprehensive document that covers many aspects of website design and development. These guidelines cover everything from ad copy to website layout and design. It is important to familiarize yourself with the guidelines so that you can ensure that your website ada compliance is optimal.
Another key step in ADA compliance is creating content guidelines. The website content guidelines (PDF) provide guidance on how to create and manage content on your website. This includes topics such as copyright and trademark laws, ratings and content guidelines for different age groups, and other important considerations. It is important to follow these guidelines to ensure that your website is compliant with ADA.
Other important aspects of website ADA compliance include security and privacy. As with all online information, your website should be secure and privacy-conscious. It is important to ensure that all user data is secure, and that your website does not collect information that is sensitive or privacy-sensitive.
Finally, it is important to keep up with ada updates. As new ADA guidelines are released, it is important to make sure that your website is compliant. You can do this by reviewing the latest ADA guidelines and following their suggestions.
By following these key tips, you can ensure that your website is ADA compliant.
DEEPBLUE Knows the Market
DEEPBLUE is a web design company that delivers measurable results. Learn more about our ASA-compliance services and make sure to check out our work portfolio by industry.
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