Poseidon Undersea Resorts is the culmination of every elite vacationer’s vision.

Poseidon Undersea Resorts is a planned five star luxury undersea resort that will be located on a mystery island off the coast of Fiji. Once thought unimaginable, Poseidon Undersea Resorts will allow adventurers to pilot their own personal submarine, explore the depths of the ocean in a 1,000 ft luxury submersible and go scuba diving in some of the clearest waters on the planet.

Poseidon Undersea Resorts will indulge your senses with luxury. The resort will include private suites, a lounge and library, spa and fitness center, and two world-class restaurants, all surrounded by the wonders of the sea.

And then there is the ultimate playground… the ocean.

[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”http://www.poseidonresorts.com/” ]


Our Work


We designed the Poseidon Undersea Resort’s logo and developed its new website to be completely responsive, allowing day-dreaming adventurers to experience the mysteries of Poseidon on desktop, tablets and smartphones.

Logo Design

poseidon logo

Poseidon Undersea Resorts


Woodcut Design

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3D Graphic Design




Promotional Video



Website Design & Development


“I have worked with DEEPBLUE on Poseidon Resorts corporate identity and website development and a complete reconstruction of the U.S. Submarines’ Website. My experience with the company has been excellent. I could not be happier with the design quality and functionality of the Poseidon Web site and I am quite excited by the work they did on the U.S. Subs site. Part of what I most appreciate in doing business with DEEPBLUE is their responsiveness. Any question, problem, suggestion or discussion requirement is addressed immediately. I could not recommend them more highly.”

L. Bruce Jones
U.S. Submarines,
Poseidon Undersea Resorts, CEO

D E E P B L U E Knows the Market

Top California Digital Marketing Agency

D E E P B L U E is a San Francisco web designer that delivers measurable results. Learn more about our web design services and contact us to schedule a complimentary needs-assessment consultation.

When it comes to these hot new trends, the team here at D E E P B L U E is ready and willing to use them when designing your site. In fact, many of the new trends follow the work we have completed, making us proud web design trendsetters. If you want to get your hands on a site that is innovative and designed beautifully then give us a call, we’d love to work with you.

Frank Farris

Frank Farris is Founder and CEO of DEEPBLUE. He has been an active thought leader in the practical application of emerging web technologies and web standards since 1998.


Posted in Case Studies